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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How to Do a Single Leg Dead Lift with Medicine Ball(By Lottie Olson)

The single leg dead lift with medicine ball builds on the basic dead lift by adding a leg extension movement. The movement efficiently exercises your strength, balance, and flexibility.
Step 1
Assume start position as shown.

Step 2
Keeping the medicine ball close to your body, slowly lower it down toward your feet as you lift your leg behind you.

Step 3
As you return to start position, contract your hamstrings and glutes.

Step 4
Repeat with other leg.

How to Do a Dead Lift with Medicine Ball (By Lottie Olson)

The dead lift with medicine ball incorporates a weight into a basic stretch motion. It is important to keep your movements fluid and gradual with this exercise to avoid strain.
Step 1
Assume start position as shown.

Step 2
Keeping the medicine ball close to your body, slowly lower it down toward your feet.

Step 3
As you return to start position, contract your butt and hamstring.

Step 4

How to Do a Single Leg Bridge (By Lottie Olson)

The single leg bridge works the back muscles and alternates the leg being stretched with each repetition. The exercise requires simultaneously pushing with one leg and stretching with the other.

Step 1
Assume start position as shown by bending right leg and lifting left leg up toward ceiling.

Step 2
Lift butt off floor by pushing off right foot and lifting hips toward ceiling.

Step 3
Return to start position and repeat on other leg.

How to Do a Hamstring Curl with Dumbbell(By Lottie Olson)

The hamstring curl with dumbbell utilizes a small weight to work and strengthen the muscles in your thighs. The exercise requires pulling the legs in toward the back of the body.

Step 1
Assume start position as shown by holding a light dumbbell between your feet.

Step 2
Bend at knees to pull dumbbell toward butt.

Step 3
Slowly lower weight to start position and repeat.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How to Do a Hamstring Curl with Stability Ball

The hamstring curl with stability ball utilizes a support to help raise the legs and hips off the floor. This leg exercise also works the back muscles.

Step 1
Assume start position as shown by lying on the floor, back of calves resting against ball.

Step 2
Lift butt off floor by lifting hips toward ceiling.

Step 3
Pull the ball in with your feet.

Step 4
Push the ball back out.

Step 5
Return to start position.

Step 6