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Thursday, September 17, 2009

How to Do a Squat

This version of the squat requires holding a "sitting" position in the air. You may choose to incorporate weights into this leg exercise for added strengthening benefits.

Step 1
Assume start position as shown, legs shoulder width apart, toes slightly pointed out.

Step 2
Keeping your weight in your heels, bend at knees and push your hips back as if sitting in a chair.

Step 3
Return to start position and repeat.

How to Do an Outer Thigh Lift with Bar

The outer thigh lift with bar, like the inner thigh lift, uses a support to help guide your leg through the motions of the exercise. The movement requires lifting and stretching one leg while the other rests on the floor.

Step 1
Assume start position as shown by lying on your side, propped up on forearm and elbow.

Step 2
Support end of bar on outside of foot.

Step 3
Lift leg and bar up toward ceiling.

Step 4
Return to start position and repeat on other side.

How to Do an Outer Thigh Sculpt with Resistance Tube

The outer thigh sculpt with resistance tube adds a strengthening component to a basic leg exercise. The movement requires holding the legs above the head while bringing the feet out to the sides.

Step 1
Assume starting position as shown by wrapping ends of tube around your feet.

Step 2
Bring legs out to sides just beyond shoulder width.

Step 3
Return to start position and repeat on other leg.

How to Do a Squat with Outer Thigh Lift

The squat with outer thigh lift, which involves alternating squatting and standing positions, is effective for strengthening the thigh muscles. It is also a good way to incorporate greater range of movement into your leg exercises.

Step 1
Assume starting position as shown.

Step 2
Bend knees and lower body into squat position.

Step 3
Stand back up and lift leg out to side.

Step 4
Repeat on other leg.

How to Do a Standing Outer Thigh Lift

The standing outer thigh lift, which involves extending the leg away from the body at a 45-degree angle, may require a bar, as pictured, to facilitate quick repetition.

Step 1
Assume starting position as shown by standing up tall; use a bar for balance if necessary.

Step 2
Lift leg out to side.

Step 3
Repeat with other leg.

How to Do an Outer Thigh Lift with Stability Ball

The outer thigh lift with stability ball uses a support to maintain balance as the leg is extended away from the body. This exercise is useful for building strength and toning the upper leg muscles.

Step 1
Assume start position as shown by supporting upper body weight on ball.

Step 2
Lift leg up toward ceiling.

Step 3
Repeat with other leg.

How to Do Inner Thigh Circles

Inner thigh circles use small, repetitive motions to tone and strengthen the leg. You can vary the intensity of the movements, depending on whether your aim is precision or vigorous exertion.

Step 1
Assume start position as shown by lying on your side, propped up on forearm and elbow.

Step 2
Slowly use your straight leg to draw circles in the air in front of you.

Step 3
Repeat on other side.

How to Do an Inner Thigh Toner with Resistance Tube

The inner thigh toner with resistance tube incorporates an elastic rope to push against your legs as you move them from side to side. This exercise works the legs, and also requires some coordination between the hands and feet to provide proper resistance.

Step 1
Assume start position as shown by wrapping tube around bottom of foot.

Step 2
Hold firmly as you abduct (move out) and adduct (move in) your leg.

How to Do an Inner Thigh Lift with Bar

The inner thigh lift with bar incorporates a support that guides your motions as you proceed through this exercise. The movement requires both stretching and lifting with the legs.

Step 1
Assume start position as shown by lying on your side, propped up on forearm and elbow.

Step 2
Support end of bar on inside of foot.

Step 3
Lift leg and bar up toward ceiling.

Step 4
Repeat with other leg.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Leg exercises tone and strengthen powerful muscle groups that you use every day. A well-considered leg exercise program will result in improved athletic performance, as well as overall fitness. On the following pages, you'll learn how to do leg exercises safely and effectively. The routines presented in this article work the quadriceps, the hamstrings, and the inner and outer thighs.

This page begins with the seated calf raise, an exercise targeting the lower leg muscles. The movement requires lifting the heels toward the center of the body.

Step 1
Assume start position as shown by sitting on stability ball and resting dumbbells on top of thighs.

SStep 2
Lift heels off floor to contract your calf muscles.